Greetings Fellow Friends!!

Maybe it is kinda late to say the New Year wishes, but no good deeds seem late, doesn’t it? For my first blog entry, I would love to share this beautiful positive writing by Paulo Coelho. For the information, I am always fond of him, his wise and motivational quotes, such a motivational-boost up. So if you feel like to have frequent inspiring quotes to brighten your days, do not hesitate to follow his page. :o)

The following is one of his “30 seconds reading” taken from his blog. I find this blog inspiring and moving in many ways. Besides, it is a very great piece to boost our spirit and motivation to welcome the new year. Last but not least, I hope this one will be useful for you.


Wieke & i-Plus Learning Centre


2013: the first year of the rest of my life

by Paulo Coelho on December 31, 2012


No one can go back, but everyone can go forward.

And tomorrow, when the sun rises, all you have to say to yourselves is:
I am going to think of this day as the first day of my life.

I will look on the members of my family with surprise and amazement, glad to discover that they are by my side, silently sharing that little understood thing called love.

I will pass a beggar, who will ask me for money.
I might give it to him or I might walk past thinking that he will only spend it on drink, and as I do, I will hear his insults and know that it is simply his way of communicating with me.

I will pass someone trying to destroy a bridge.
I might try to stop him or I might realise that he is doing it because he has no one waiting for him on the other side and this is his way of trying to fend off his own loneliness.

Instead of noting down things I’m unlikely to forget, I will write a poem.
Even if I have never written one before and even if I never do so again, I will at least know that I once had the courage to put my feelings into words.

I will keep smiling, because it pleases me to know that people think I am mad.
My smile is my way of saying: ‘You can destroy my body, but not my soul.’

If it’s sunny tomorrow, I want to look at the sun properly for the first time.
If it’s cloudy, I want to watch to see in which direction the clouds are going.
I always think that I don’t have time or don’t pay enough attention. Tomorrow, though, I will concentrate on the direction taken by the clouds or on the sun’s rays and the shadows they create.

Above my head exists a sky about which all humanity, over thousands of years, has woven a series of reasonable explanations.

Well, I will forget everything I learned about the stars and they will be transformed once more into angels or children or whatever I feel like believing at that moment.

For the first time, I will smile without feeling guilty, because joy is not a sin.
For the first time, I will avoid anything that makes me suffer, because suffering is not a virtue.

I am living this day as if it were my first and, while it lasts, I will discover things that I did not even know were there.

Even though I have walked past the same places countless times before and said ‘Good morning’ to the same people, tomorrow’s ‘Good morning’ will be different.
It will not be a mere polite formula, but a form of blessing.

And if I’m alone when the night falls, I will go over to window, look up at the sky and feel certain that loneliness is a lie, because the Universe is there to keep me company.

And then I will have lived each hour of my day as if it were a constant surprise to me, to this ‘I’, who was not created by my father or my mother or by school, but by everything I have experienced up until now, and which I suddenly forgot in order to discover it all anew.

And even if this is to be my last day on Earth, I will enjoy it to the full, because I will live it with the innocence of a child, as if I were doing everything for the first time.

(source: http://paulocoelhoblog.com/2012/12/31/2013-the-first-year-of-the-rest-of-my-life/)






i-Plus Learning Centre

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math in daily life

When we buy a food, follow a recipe, or decorate your home and play  a game, we’re using math principles. People have been using these same principles for many thousands of years, across countries and continents. Whether when we are going to another country, we’re using math to get things done well.

How can math be so universal? Perhaps, human beings didn’t invent math concepts; we discovered them. Also, the language of math is numbers, not English or Mandarin or Bahasa. If we are well versed in this language of numbers, it can help us make important decisions and perform everyday tasks. Math can help us to shop wisely, buy the right insurance, remodel a home within a budget (mathematical advance), understand population growth (using statistics), or even bet on the horse with the best chance of winning the race (using probability).

so, everytime we breath, everytime we meet math..

even when we want to count how many minutes this class will end, we’re using math..